Mental Health and Wellbeing Support for Children

Whether you’re a child or young person and struggling with how you’re feeling or you’re a parent or carer worried about a child, you’re not alone and there is support available.

What are children and young people’s mental health services?

Children and young people’s mental health services are a range of support services available to children and young people. They are usually delivered or funded by the NHS.

They will be different depending on where you live but can include:

  • mental health support teams (MHSTs) in schools and colleges
  • NHS-funded services from local mental health organisations, such as charities and social enterprises
  • NHS services – you may hear these called children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), which are available through a referral from your GP.


BLOOM is an early intervention consultation model. The model proactively promotes maintaining the positive social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.

Their key aim is to help to build resilience and empower children, young people (and the adults in their lives) to get the help they need, when they need it. BLOOM supports in the earlier identification and actioning of support to address emerging signs and symptoms of emotional and mental distress.

Designed to provide a rapid response for children and young people aged 5 to 18, BLOOM works by finding ways to support the network already in place around the child or young person.

How can BLOOM help my family?

Some of the things we may be able to support with:

  • mild to moderate difficulties with behaviour
  • dysregulation, difficulties in recognising and managing emotions
  • persistent feelings of anxiety stress and worry
  • disengaging from school, general lack of interest
  • difficulties in establishing and maintaining relationships with friends and/or family
  • lack of interest in participating in activities

Referrals for BLOOM

If you have concerns about the wellbeing of your child or young person, as a first step speak to your mental health lead at school. They will talk through the presenting difficulties and can either offer you additional support, and/or refer you to BLOOM.

CAMHS Access Team

Contact the team

Email the CAMHS Access Team or call 01209 881 600. The team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

About the team

The CAMHS Access Team is a county wide, multi-disciplinary team. They are the main front door into CAMHS and sit within the Getting Advice quadrant of i-Thrive. Their mission is to support young people to access the right support, at the right time.

They work closely with the wider CAMHS network, Early Help Hub, Multi-Agency Referral Unit and other partner agencies to establish the most appropriate care pathway for the young person. There is no wrong front door.

All referrals are carefully considered to ensure where the needs of the young person will most appropriately be met and our recommendations maybe for a service within CAMHS, a CAMHS-commissioned community-based service, other NHS services, or services provided by Cornwall Council.


Referrals are triaged within specific time frames by our experienced clinicians. It is essential that the referral form is populated with as much detail as possible and that appropriate consent is obtained. Young people do also need to be registered with a GP in Cornwall to be eligible for support with their mental health.

Referrals are received from a variety of sources. Most often made by parents, carers, the young person themselves or professionals involved with the young person, providing that appropriate consent is provided. Young people over the age of 13 can normally consent for themselves. If you have any queries around this, contact the CAMHS Access Team.

Make a referral to the CAMHS Access Team. Email completed forms to the CAMHS Access Team. They are unable to accept referrals over the phone.


If you are in crisis, or know someone else that needs help, call the free 24/7 mental health helpline on 0800 038 5300.

Stay Alive app: A pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.

Childline is a counselling service for children and young people. Call 0800 1111.

Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. Open Monday to Friday, midday to 10pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 6pm to 10pm.

Mental Health Connect: Call our free 27/7 helpline on 0800 038 5300.

The Mix: Call their 24/7 helpline on 0808 808 4994.

Nightlink: An emotional support helpline. Call 0808 800 0306 or text 07717 989 021. The helpline is open 5pm to midnight.

Papyrus: Call 0800 068 4141 if you have concerns about suicide either for yourself or for someone else. The helpline is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm, evenings 7pm to ;10pm and weekends 2pm to 5pm. You can also text 07786 209 697 or email Papyrus.

Samaritans: Talk to the Samaritans if things are getting to you. Call 116 123 free 24/7.

Brook – free and confidential sexual health services for people of all ages living in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Brook believes in a society where everyone is supported to live healthy lives, free from inequality and strengthened by fulfilling relationships. Brook offers

STI testing and treatment.

condoms and lubricant.

HIV testing and support, including PrEP and PEP.


emergency contraception.

pregnancy testing and abortion referrals.

sexual health advice.

sexual assault help and support.


Telephone: 0300 303 0714