Visual Aids

A learning disability can affects the way an individual learns, develops and communicates throughout their lifetime. Approximately 1.5 million children and adults within the UK live with a learning disability. Once a diagnosis has been achieved, which may be at birth or as a child develops a specialist team of professionals will be assigned. The key goal is to ensure that the individual lives a full life and is as independent as possible.

Please visit for more information on available support, causes and so on.

Several members of the Stennack Team (clinical and non-clinical) and the support of a local family have developed visual aids to assist patients who live with learning disabilities when visiting the Surgery. The visual aids aim to promote effective communication by providing structure and understanding and also helping to minimise anxiety.

If you feel the visual aids will support yourself or a loved one please print and utilise alternatively please contact the reception team for more information.

Visual Aid Downloads (PDF)