We no longer provide ear irrigation for removal of earwax (ear irrigation/ear syringing). Unfortunately, ear irrigation is not funded by the NHS.
What you can do: –
· Apply olive oil drops into your ears for 7 to 10 days.
· If this doesn’t help, seek advice about treatment options available from your local pharmacy.
· Never use cotton buds, stick your finger in your ear or use other objects to attempt to remove earwax, because you can impact the wax further or can cause injury to your eardrum. Sometimes wearing earplugs or hearing aids can cause earwax to be impacted.
· If you are suffering from pain, have a high temperature or have discharge from your ear, you should seek advice from your GP because you may have an infection.
If you still feel like your ears need to be irrigated, there are several private companies locally who provide this service. Due to them being private there will be a charge involved and the changes do vary. We have provided you with a some of the local providers below. This list is not definitive or exhaustive nor does it represent either a guarantee of competence or endorsement by Stennack Surgery. Patients are to make their own enquiries and judgement about the service provider and qualifications of the individuals carrying out ear irrigation.
Coastal Ear Health
https://coastalearhealth.co.uk – St Ives: Becky 07766 590729 – Penzance area: Claire 07969 530539 – home visits throughout Penwith are also available.
Duchy Ear Care Wax Removal Clinic
https://www.duchyearcare.co.uk/ Redruth/Truro: Chantelle 07854103270 or email duchyearcare@gmail.com
Penwith Ear Care
www.penwithearcare.com – Beth 07736313632
Hayley Parsons-George, RGN NMP. Home visiting service. 07704 242174